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About Our Church


We are so glad you chose to visit us! Located in Cleveland, Tennesee; our church has always been open to everyone. While we were originally founded by Slavic immigrants, we continue to grow and open our doors and hearts to everyone who connects with us.

Our Vision

At Living Stones Church our vision is: Seek the lost, Teach the found, Direct those taught into Service

Applying our Vision

  1. We deeply respect the personality of Jesus Christ and the authority of the Bible; putting it at the heart of our lives.
  2. We carry out ministry in humbleness and mercy towards others.
  3. We have spiritual unity and love toward each other.
  4. We believe that when God saves people, He develops individual relations with each person, according to his/her character and gifts.
  5. As God’s children, we worship and thank Him through prayers, songs, musical instruments; honoring God in all possible ways.
  6. As Christians, we are responsible for instructing younger ones in the teaching of the Lord.
  7. The result of our lives and activities are a deep change of realization of the lives of people; their turning from evil to good, from darkness to light, from sin to holiness according to the example of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Our Leaders

Andrey Yakovenko – Senior Pastor

Michael Maslov – Youth Ministry

Vadim Strelkov – Young Adult Ministry

Dima Lutsenko – Worship Leader (English Service)

Tony Lakatosh – Worship Leader (Russian Service)

Lydia Borisov – Children’s Ministry